2023年3月14日,「26届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖颁奖典礼」在上海宝格丽酒店揭开帷幕。本次晚会以“浸入”歌剧院为主题,上演《歌剧魅影》、《猫》、《西区故事》的经典剧目选段,重回那段春风满面的黄金年代。
现场邀请了众多国际设计师、艺术家共度良夜,一起见证 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖26周年的辉煌和室内设计界的光辉时刻,同时为第26届入选 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖的设计师、设计团队颁奖。
Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖中国区首席代表
ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖大中华区首席代表卢从周先生表示:“我们身上背负着更强的使命,使得设计的智慧和东方的文化再度风靡,复兴东方、复兴文化,中国设计不断的崛起,更多的设计师走入国际的舞台,今日只是起点,并不是终点。” 值此 ANDREW MARTIN 的26周年纪念之际,期冀见证更多属于中国设计的荣誉时刻。
✺第26届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖颁奖典礼
第26届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖从全球30多个国家征集作品,评选出了全球100位优秀设计师,其中本次中国区共有31组设计师入选。在ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖成立的26年中,入选奖项的华人设计师、设计团队不断增加,如今已逾200多位。不但从数量和质量上是亚洲之最,更让华人设计成为推动全球室内设计发展的中坚力量。这是所有设计业者共同努力的成果。
△ Martin Waller 先生祝福
ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖创始人Martin Waller 先生从遥远的伦敦发来祝福,表示今晚是对想象力和创造力的庆祝,也是对设计师们辛勤工作的庆祝,祝福并且赞美所有优秀的设计师们,同时也感谢大家对 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖的支持。
卓稣萍、邦邦、郑忠&胡伟坚&杜志越&罗旭 、于鹏杰
第26届 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖中国区入选名单揭晓!
2020Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖全球年度大奖获得者,在他的设计中艺术和手工艺品为室内设计赋予更多层次。强调质感,这块裸露的砖块就是一个缩影,他将这座建筑的历史用作艺术装置。
In 2020 of the International Designer of the Year Award.He allows art and artifacts to give so many layers to his interiors.There's an emphasis on texture, which isepitomised by this exposed brick.He is using the history of the building as an art installation.
This is Peng Zheng from CNC design.It's a spectacular space sage, futuristic design.This kind of work requires very precise executionto make it work and it succeeds perfectly.
This is TUYAN design team.This is a contemporary space, but it's so cleverly transformed. by both the antique references and the actual antiques,and the actual antiques, like the Teapot, the screen, the tree and the way the lighting works.
This is Wenqiang Li from PIG Design in HangZhou.What a wonderful breadth of ideas and imagination this is. Here's all the fun of an indoor children's play centre with its myriad array of colours, patterns and shapes.And then, by way of complete contrast,the glamour of this all black nightclub.
Here we are with Sun Tianwen from Hip-pop Architectural Design from right here in Shanghai.Every great designer understands the power of art and these amazing and so beautiful sculptures illustrate this perfectly.They're showcased to create such memorable images.
This is Lea Chen from Beijing.Once again, it's all about art and how to showcase it.Here we see the contrast with the mid 20th century leather sofas and chairs mixed with the Chinese antiques.And it all creates a really appealing space and home for the sculptures.
This is Bob Chen from Hangzhou.And I always love the use of wood as a counterpoint to clean plain walls and stone.It brings history and warmth and atmosphere to create that intimacy in a home.
This is Xu Lin from SPACE³Interior Design in Guangzhou.Lighting is one of the most powerful tools in any designer's toolbox.But here in China, the standards are so highAnd here we see lighting used to the max.How incredible it can be and just how high the standards are here in China.
This is Ji Yang From OuterSpace Design.Designs, this completely reinvents the way a fitness club can look in an unforgettable way.It's become an art installation in its own right.with these extraordinary robot mannequins.Everything is wonderfully strange and eccentric.It's totally uncompromised and utterly new.
This is TANG CHUNG-HAN from Taiwan.The scale is just magnificent, but it doesn't overshadow the mood, discipline, symmetry, the repetition of the straight lines on the walls, on the ceiling, at the windows and at the stair rails.It's utterly modern, but it still finds room for Chinese culture and Chinese history.
This is Shanshan Xu from Magic Decoration Studio in Wuhan.It's another brilliant demonstration of lighting, using the power of light to create these fascinating shapes that intrigue an interest.
This is Mao Jijun from Purest Stone Interior Design in Chengdu.This is about using the perfect material, wood,to create an atmosphere of relaxation and calm,to give books and reading a platform and people a place to wander and browse.This is designed at its best with purpose and people heart.
This is Ao Han from Hantang Landscape Interior Design Company in Beijing.Here we see huge scale and the creation of extraordinary angles and views and the breaking down into intimate, inviting spaces, which is no mean achievement in such an epically sized building.
This is Zhiyong Huang from the The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture in Hongzhou.One of the questions we always ask about design and indeed about life is what is luxury?This project tries to answer that question.Luxury, it's about simplicity, it's about calm, it's about peace.And you can see here the materials and textures which create this oasis of calm.
This is Hu Zhile from WJ studio in Hangzhou.I'm always interested in the repurposing of old industrial buildings.And this is a particularly good example.The original cement walls are teamed up with crisp modern steel and crisp modern wood.
This is Ronger Kane from Shenzhen Ronger Design & Consultant Company.I love this very simple, austere, monastic aesthetic.It's so much harder to do than it looks.You have to constantly resist the temptation to add things.In fact, you need to keep taking things out and that needs a really strong will in design.
This is Chuanjin Sun from the Fusican Space Design in Jiangsu. It's another spectacular lighting extravaganza with this.very strong combination of blue and gold.It all creates a sense of drama and magic.
This is Wan Fuchen from FC·Design in Suzhou.It's all about creating a contrast with the ancient and the modern, the straight lines with the curves,the glossy with the mat, the light with the dark and the spiritual with the secular.
This is Jinglei Xu from Slow Coral Design in Zhejiang.They describe their work as a spatial narrative,and you can see just how successfully they achieve exactly that.There's a sense of mystery and wonder.
This is Louis Liou from Hangzhou Jiading Interior Design.Sometimes it's a very difficult problem to fill huge cavernous spaces . here, it's solved so well with these bold avantgarde shapes and the splashes of red against the black and white.
他是ANDREW MARTIN国际室内设计大奖的老朋友,他所做的一切,目标是在设计中进行冒险,他总是能击中目标,形状和反射的使用赋予它们双倍的价值。
This is Ray Wong from the Republican Metropolis architecture.Ray is an old favourite of the Andrew Martin Awards and in all he does, he aims for adventure in design.And he absolutely hits the target.Breathtaking shapes and the use of reflection gives them double the value.
This is Eason Zhu from Fununit Design in Hongzhou.This is all about surprise,The surprise in ideas,The small cow and the big pyramid, the porthole and the pot,the huge cone and the miniature cone, and then, by way of complete change, the gloss and the glitz.
This is Jaco Pan from Minggu Design in Nanjing.This is a beautifully realised and elegantly executed piece of contemporary design.Everything you see has a sense of quality.
This is Maxk Design integration right here in Shanghai.And this is such a different approach.It's quirky, it's interesting, it's individual.It's about warmth and comfort.It's about life.
This is Lin Kaixin from DCD Design .In Here there is a deep love and understanding of the materials.The broken wall, the water, the fish, the pot, the pyramid, the suspended weight.It's almost sacred.
This is Gary Zeng from GID International in Shanghai.He's a self confessed exponent and ambassador for the Shanghai Oriental style,and his work is a perfect expression of the energy and exuberance and excitement of Shanghai.
This is Sky Guan from Evolution Space Architectural Design in Beijing. this wall of mixed bricks and tiles.It's somehow simple and complex all at the same time.Everything's very cool, very restrained, very comfortable.
This is Suping Zhuo from Hange Design in Ningbo.This is full of interesting and unexpected things.There's an old Ethiopian chair.There's an old Zulu beer pot.The beautiful balancing wooden sculpture.It's all enclosed in this crisp, modern interior.
这是对完全单色方案的有趣使用,这是对完全单色方案的有趣使用,灯罩,吸顶灯,床头板,陶,即使在 Hunt Sloanem (美国画家) 独特的兔子画中也是如此。
This is Kelly Lin from Bluemoon in Shenzhen.It's an intriguing use of a completely monochromatic scheme broken by sharp uses of turquoise in all sorts of different ways.The lampshade, the ceiling light, the headboard, the pottery, even in Hunt Sloanem's distinctive rabbit painting.
Joe Cheng, Ken Hu, Aiden Du, Luo Xu from Chengchung Design and Urban Collection Design in Shenzhen.This is a simply wonderful development in a wonderful location.All so beautiful.The materials, the bricks, the shape, the scale.It's truly magnificent.
This is David Yu from matrixing here in Shanghai.Everything here takes you by surprise.We love that submarine shaped desk and the angles and the windows, The perspectives, the sculptures and the lighting.
吉博力中国区总经理张铭先生表示,随着中国设计师不断入选 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖表明中国的设计已被世界所发现,所赞扬。吉博力希望今后能继续助力设计和社会文化的交流和发展。为设计讴歌,为品质护航。
Andrew Martin International (UK)
Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖源于英国,1996年由 Martin Waller 先生创立,迄今已成功举办26届。它是国际范围内最具水平,专门针对室内设计和陈设艺术的奖项。大奖凭借其深远的社会影响力,评审团的广泛社会代表性、公平性和高深的行业水准,吸引着全球设计领域的目光,并被美国《时代》、英国《泰晤士报》、BBC 等国际主流媒体誉为室内设计界的“奥斯卡”,而每年出版的《Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖年鉴》则被誉为“室内设计的圣经”。
安德马丁植根于室内设计行业,深耕泛设计圈层,是中国室内设计艺术行业的知名文化推广机构。依托英国Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖,安德马丁拥有丰富的行业优质资源,长期致力于搭建国内外设计交流平台和推广中国设计文化。经历十余年的设计平台搭建,Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖大中华区颁奖典礼、安德马丁国际室内设计峰会、安德马丁发现中国好设计、安德马丁无界之合跨界艺术展、安德马丁设计教育等诸多泛设计文化项目,成为安德马丁矩阵式的设计输出内容,安德马丁在设计推广的同时也成为中国室内设计行业的重要资源平台和造星摇篮。
德国SieMatic西曼帝克总部位于德国Loehne, 出口全球70多个国家,在全球拥有400多家独立展厅。自1929年成立至今,一直以创新设计、精致选材、精湛工艺和巧妙的细节处理被誉为橱柜中的“劳斯莱斯”,引领世界橱柜的发展,在全球都享誉盛名,常年位居德国奢侈品排行榜厨电行业前三甲,是德国当之无愧的国宝级厨房品牌。
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